Sustainable eThics Reviews of digital heAlth Technology dEsiGn In sub saharan afriCa
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Project aims
The STRATEGIC project will co-create a theoretically strong, empirically supported and widely consulted responsible research and innovation approach and capacity development plan and materials that can strengthen relevant ethics and regulatory institutions for clinical trials and research in SSA.
of sustainable frameworks
of National Ethics Committees, National Regulatory Autorities and other stakeholders
A note on the artwork on this website: As the project is concerned with digital technologies in healthcare, we wanted to explore various capabilities of such technologies. We therefore generated the pictures seen here by feeding the text of the description of the work into generative AI models and used the output to illustrate this page.
Assembly of the STRATEGIC Project
Assembly of the STRATEGIC Project took place on the 9th and 10th of October in virtual mode where the activities of the 7 WORKPAGES were reviewed. This virtual meeting was an opportunity to assess the status of the activities planned for each of the WORKPACKAGES and strengthen collaborations between the leaders of each WORKPACKAGE and their respective implementation partners. The meeting was considered productive and relevant to achieving the overall objectives and goals of the STRATEGIC project related to design and use of digital technologies in health research and care.